St George Mark 553 Installation 2016
On Monday 10th October, V W Bro Eric Samuel Hughes was Installed in a sincere manner by his friend W Bro David Mairs, the Worshipful Master of St George Mark Lodge in Garston.
Asst PGM VW Bro Ian Nairn with VW Bro Eric Hughes
W Bro David was assisted by W Bro Derek Horrocks (PGM Special Representative for the Garston Group of Lodges) who gave the addresses for the two Collarets and the Address to the Master.
VW Bro's Ian Nairn and Eric Hughes with W Bro's David Mears and Derek Horrocks
W Bro Graham Sinden delivered the Address to the Wardens’ W Bro David Withey delivered the Address to the Overseers'. The excellent Ceremony was witnessed by V W Bro Ian Douglas Nairn (the Assistant Provincial Grand Master) who congratulated all who took part in the Installation.
VW Bro Eric Samuel Hughes with Asst PGM and his team
At the conclusion of the ceremony the newly Installed Master offered a cheque of (£200) to the Asst P G M for the West Lancashire Mark Charities, which was gratefully received.
VW Bro Eric and W Bro Poppelwell from Hawarden Lodge 838
Brethren from Hawarden Lodge (North Wales) 838
W Bro Graham Sinden and Bro Peter Barker
A number of Brethren from Hawarden Lodge from the Province of North Wales attended the meeting. For over 40 years members of both lodges have visited each other.
Article and Photographs Courtesy of Jack Parker